Diane O'Connor
Jun 18, 20204 min read
Sit Still
I've been reading John 15 over and over again the past few days, and I remembered something that happened to me a few years ago . . . I...

Diane O'Connor
Jun 8, 20204 min read
Self-Reflection in a Chaotic Time - 2020
There has been so much information shooting across our airwaves over the past few months between COVID and the current unrest that it...

Diane O'Connor
May 29, 20205 min read
Who Told you That?
Last year I learned something. I learned that Satan and his minions whisper to us—spirit to spirit. That is how temptation happens. I...

![Father [ Part 2 ]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/65be9c_dd12629c566f4d208d8b04b9d5dc4dfe~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_379,h_285,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/65be9c_dd12629c566f4d208d8b04b9d5dc4dfe~mv2.webp)
Diane O'Connor
May 14, 20206 min read
Father [ Part 2 ]
I mentioned in Father, Part 1 that over the past year God has been emphasizing to me that He is a loving Father. In my Hooked on Hebrew...

![Father [ Part 1 ]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/65be9c_2fa636fb03874785ba6aa7934fc09e5d~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_379,h_285,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/65be9c_2fa636fb03874785ba6aa7934fc09e5d~mv2.webp)
Diane O'Connor
May 13, 20202 min read
Father [ Part 1 ]
For almost a year now, The Lord has been taking me deeper in my understanding of him as my loving Father. It started last year with a...

Diane O'Connor
May 11, 20204 min read
Things seemed to be going wrong. Everywhere. It seemed like no matter what I did I was always wishing I did not feel so much Stress and...

Diane O'Connor
May 10, 20204 min read
Overcoming Fear
Over the past couple years it finally sunk in to my heart that Fear is not merely a feeling. God's Word tells me Fear is a spirit. And...

Diane O'Connor
May 9, 20202 min read
SERMON ON THE MOUNT Right before all of this COVID stuff started getting serious, the Lord had put it on my heart to begin a 9-week study...

Diane O'Connor
May 3, 20201 min read
Finding My Joy
Me: "Oh NO - I lost my joy!!!! Bob: "What?" Me: "I can't find it - I misplaced my joy!" Bob: "What?" Me: "You know, the small mixed media...

Diane O'Connor
Apr 3, 20203 min read
Walk Out
"May you prosper and be in heath even as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 So I told you about my Crash of 2019. This is the story of...

Diane O'Connor
Apr 2, 20204 min read
For My Life
"May you prosper and be in heath even as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 In my post - Crash of 2019 - I shared about the...

Diane O'Connor
Apr 1, 20203 min read
Crash of 2019
"May you prosper and be in heath even as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2 In 2019 I crashed. It happened before—I'd had a physical crash...

Diane O'Connor
Apr 19, 20192 min read
Whispers and Nudges
Whisper (noun) : a very soft, quiet way of speaking that can only be heard by people who are near Nudge (noun) : a slight or gentle push...

Diane O'Connor
Mar 27, 20193 min read
Let It Go!
I accidentally ended up on a unique journey since the beginning of 2019 . . . After saying good bye to my 99 year old dad at the end of...

Diane O'Connor
Jan 14, 20192 min read
Mom's Calendars
In 2012 I was in the middle of designing a group coaching experience for leaders on the topic of clarifying your personal values. I was...